What's a Beef and Butter Fast on Keto
The Keto Beef and Butter Fast is not so much a fast, as it is a tool to help you achieve some goals. It's also not something that is often recommended to pursue for prolonged periods of time, so you cannot really call it a diet or lifestyle either. Let's explain more!
The Beef and Butter fast is unlike a traditional fast or even an Intermittent Fast because you will actually be eating three times a day at your usual Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner meal times. What you are actually doing is just abstaining from eating other foods aside from basically Beef and Butter, hence the name of the fast.
Now before you go sighing a big breath of disappointment, let me remind you that you can still drink your morning coffee! Coffee makes everything better, and it certainly can make a Beef and Butter fast better as well. Moderate amounts of caffeine found naturally in coffee and teas has been found to be beneficial to weight loss, as long as you can drink it without your typical sugars or artificial sweeteners. If you like Bulletproof Coffee, you are even more in luck.

Why would you want to start a Beef and Butter Fast?
If you are looking for one of the easiest ways to get into Ketosis, a strictly enforced regimen that limits what you can eat to only foods that are extremely low in carbohydrates while still high in fat and moderate protein can be your guide. While we do not recommend eating this way indefinitely, we know from experience that 2-3 days of eating this way can jump start your journey into Ketosis.
Much like how the Atkins Diet has its "Induction Phase" where the list of allowed foods is tightly restricted, think of this type of fast as a more extreme version of that. The Beef and Butter Fast takes all of the guess work out of your macros, and steers you completely clear of anything that has more than trace amounts of carbohydrates.
Aside from just using the Beef and Butter Fast for entering Ketosis sooner, people who already live a strict Keto lifestyle can use this as a tool to push past weight loss plateaus they may experience naturally from time to time as the body becomes resistant to losing additional weight.
What can you eat on a Beef and Butter Fast?
Admittedly the menu is heavily restricted, after all that's the entire point of doing something so insanely simplified that it's actually almost impossible to mess it up.
For Breakfast I will typically drink a large cup of hot coffee, and I will add in a couple teaspoons of Grass-Fed Butter, and sometimes also some MCT Oil. If I add the MCT Oil I will use a frother to help blend it into the coffee a little better too so that it's not just floating on the top (remember, Oil and Water don't mix).
As an alternative to drinking Coffee, you can also opt to drink some brewed Tea, or even something tastier like Bone Broth. Bone Broth adds some collagen and other nutrients that you won't find in your morning cup of joe, so it can be a nice addition to this type of diet.
Lunch and Dinner will essentially be a carbon copy of each other, except that it is totally up to you how you prepare your Beef and Butter. We don't want you sitting around moping about eating plain old boring ground beef and shoveling spoon fulls of butter down just to get it over with. This can be a very enjoyable way of eating still, if done right.
What To Eat
For the big meals of the day you will be dining on 6 to 12 ounces of Beef, and about 1 Tablespoon of Butter. For both the beef and the butter I do personally prefer the Grass-Fed options, but if those are out of your price range you can opt for normal beef. Just be sure to steer clear of things like ground beef in a tube, and try to get something freshly cut or ground at your local butcher or grocery store.
What you do with your Beef, and how you consume your Butter is almost entirely up to you. You could grill it up as some hamburger patties seasoned with some Pink Himalayan Salt, Black Pepper, and Granulated Garlic topped off with a pat of butter. You could also choose a nice juicy steak for your cut of beef, and season it with something savory like Obie Cue's Gatorbreath Seasoning to give it a kick, then melt some butter on top of the steak like this is the 1950's and call it a meal.
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Keto Beef and Butter Fast Explained
The Keto Beef and Butter Fast may sound like it's the craziest way of eating ever, but rest assured that it has a tried and true past of getting short term results for people who are looking to quickly enter Ketosis, or those who are stuck at the same weight for periods of time and want to push their body past the stall.
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Source: https://keto-daily.com/keto-beef-and-butter-fast-explained/
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